
Thin Red Lines: The Problematic and Evocative War Game

Just before sixth grade, I moved from rural New Hampshire to the planned suburbs of Columbia, Maryland. The environments could not have been more different. It took a while to make new friends, but within a year or so, I started to settle in and find “my people.” It was in those formative middle-school years

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Thumb on the Scales: When to Toss Game Balance Aside

When I worked at Ensemble, the studio was fortunate to have a dedicated balance team. The team included some of the best competitive real-time strategy players around; their full-time job was to balance the real-time strategy games that made the studio famous. No matter the genre, developers talk about balancing their game a lot. It’s

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Mayhem, Madness, and Games: Farewell to 2023

A freelance consultant’s days are busy but unpredictable. For any given week, I might have work for multiple clients, or I might be tinkering with my own game, or I might be seeking out new contracts for a future quarter. Most likely it’s a mix of all three. Consulting doesn’t have anywhere near the security

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Peanut Butter and Chocolate: Mixing Genres in Game Design

Those of us of a certain age will remember the old commercials for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. It’s an easy-to-understand idea – a candy that combines two flavors to produce something entirely new and tasty. Never mind that Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (love them or hate them) don’t taste much like an actual chocolate bar

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Trust No One: Unreliable Narratives in Games

Spoiler warning for several older games, including the Bioshock series and Silent Hill 2, as well as the movie Memento. Memento, an early Christopher Nolan movie, is a well-executed example of a familiar writing trope: the unreliable narrator. The audience experiences the events of the movie from the point of view of the main character,

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